Pink Lemonade Flamingo Cupcakes
I absolutely love these cupcakes one because that are flamingos and because they are pink, Pink, and more PINK!!!
I wanted to make a cupcake that wasn't your usual chocolate or vanilla so I picked pink lemonade since it was different and reminds me of summer which is fixen to be over. Well it says on the calendar that it will be fall but in south Alabama its like summer never ends ! I looked everywhere for a recipe that was pink lemonade and decided on using one by Betty Crocker.
The batter looked like Pepto-Bismol.
This was a super simple recipe and only a few ingredients were needed. There are some days that simple is the way to go and I have found that out with a toddler. With Cash I am crunched for time so this is parents approved.
Here is the link for the entire cupcake recipe on Betty Crocker website
The Other Things Needed:
Black Chocolate
Pink Gel Food Coloring
1M Icing Tip
Piping Bag
Small Leaf Cookie Cutter
Rolling Pin
Pink Sprinkles
Optional: Fondant Extruder
The fondant extruder really helped to make the necks of the flamingo and made them all the same size, and was a fast alternative than rolling them by hand. It does more than just circles which I hope I get to use in future videos. So I would recommend investing in one if you do a lot of lines or other shapes that it can make.
I was surprised that at the taste of the cupcakes it tasted like lemonade in cupcake form so it was a win!
After I had finished decorating and taking pictures I went to editing my video and came back to my flamingos taking a nap lol. Well that's what it looked like to me, after sometime the fondant became soft and there necks broke. So I would recommend when you are making your necks insert a tooth pick in the end that will be in the cupcake. Also make sure you let your fondant necks dry completely I let mine dry overnight.
The Final Product
Make sure to view my YouTube video so you can see the whole process!
I am not sponsored by any of the products that I mentioned I only mention them because I like to use them and so you will know exactly what I used.
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